Jumaat, 28 Oktober 2011

Hello Scinces dah lama tak jumpa awak! :D

Anda masih ingat lagi topic ni? Siapa yang masih kental lagi sel neuronenya seperti AKU pasti anda ingat dan anda adalah orang yang baik dalam Biology sebenarnya. aha...aha...aha.. (padahal ini physics)

Why form 5 student like her (me) swizzled want to know this topic in fact she already knew it! it's in her brain alreadylah but why she.... why... ??????

 Hehehehe.. Actually my cousin which in form 2 asked me the topic  as he got confused to solve the lever-class also the working answer (alahai cett apa yang susah kan the formulae given already, haiya..) hehe.. but never mindlah! i teachlah! 

Seriously FULCRUM is THE EASIEST topiclah brother!!! by the way i enjoy with it <3 

naaahhh lets refresh our memory back to the topic that I have been learned for 4 years a go!!!!!!!!!!

remember this formulae please!

F      L      E
                  FULCRUM          LOAD             EFFORT

First Class-lever followed by Second Class-lever followed by Third Class-lever (Must be At the middle position)

First Class-Lever

For the first  class-lever, FULCRUM must be situated at the middle between EFFORT and LOAD or between LOAD and EFFORT like this :

 E     F     L
 L     F     E

Second Class-Lever

For the second class-lever, LOAD must be situated at the middle between EFFORT and FULCRUM or between FULCRUM and EFFORT like this:

E      L      F
F      L      E

Third Class-Lever

For the third class-lever, EFFORT must be situated at the middle between LOAD and FULCRUM or between FULCRUM and LOAD like this :

L      E      F


F      E      L

Ha.. Finish already! I hope these notes can supply lots of benefits to the readers although mine is not good enough as in any physics' books but i think it is good enough as it is originally come fresh from my memory without turning any pages of the physics' book. Yeah done already :D

p/s: Appreciate. Knowledge is something beautiful, and seek newknowledge is a praiseworthy in ALLAH. Wallahhualambissawab,
You go go go go man! peace yaww. Assalamualaikum and goodnight :)