Rabu, 30 November 2011

Rahmat Tuhan

Assalamualaikum dan Selamat Pagi semua! :D

Okayh sebenarnya saya nak share sikitlah tentang lagu yang baru saya reka pada 11 september 2011, 7.29 p.m.
Lagu ini mengisahkan tentang seorang penulis yang baru tersedar akan kesilapan dan kealpaan yang 
selama ini. Pada masa yang sama penulis mendapat petunjuk daripada Allah SWT dengan melihat keadaan di sekeilingnya. Ada yang kaya, berilmu dan dihormati tetapi  tidak bahagia dan tiada nikmat hidup yang boleh dirasakan kerana mereka tidak menyibukkan diri untuk menghadap Allah mahupun menyebut namaNya. Pada masa itu penulis berusaha melakukan sesuatu agar orang disekeliling sedar akan kewujudan Allah dengan memohon doa serta merintih dalam sujudnya.
umm inilah lagunya selamat mendengar! :)

Jumaat, 4 November 2011

Creating useful memories ;D

Creating useful memories? Can it happen? But how? 
jengjengjeng.... Miss Awe' can explain.

neurones in brain

The human brain acquires large amounts of information through the day, but how does it choose what to keep and what to discard? According to a study conducted in Germany and published in a Journal of Neuroscience, information is consodilated into memory while a person is asleep. However, the brain selectively favours memories that are more likely to be accessed again in the future, actively 'tagging' this information while you are still awake. This is why you are more likely to remember how to prepare food rather than what you ate two days ago. But i think for Mr. Digi, he more likely to remember what food that he should take in rather than how to prepare food as he sluggish to prepare food hehehe.. Do not be angry Mr. Digi, joke okayh? ahaks!  Thats all. Bye and Assalamualaikum!

p/s: Just be  nice to your brain. Keep it healthy and drink a lot of plain water so that brain can interprates properly and blood can  flow smoothly which can prevent hypertension because only a little pressure is needed to flow the blood around the upper part of the body (heart and brain). Keep in touch bebeh ;)